Sunday, November 13, 2011

Memorial Day

People actually got hyped up about Memorial Day here -- who knew it wasn't just an excuse to watch movies all day.  All week long there were storytelling events.  People were "Belly up to the bar," as one patron described it, listening to stories about The Great War and World War II mostly, some more recent events too. There were, of course, some sad stories and ballads, but there were also stories about pranksters and mishaps.  It culminated in this ceremony at the end of the parade.  Moya and I walked down and couldn't see a thing.  But we made lots of friends because Moya currently has red toenails.  Everyone thought she was a diva.  I didn't tell them that they are her soft paws used to keep her from scratching the hell out of wood floors.

Garbage Day

Yes, in St. John's they use fishing nets instead of bins!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Heritage Houses in Carbonear, Newfoundland

I took a field trip the Vernacular Architecture class to check out some really cool heritage houses in Harbour Grace and Carbonear (which is  north and west).  The day started cool, then got rainy, then got cold, then got snowy, then got sunny and ended in hail.  I decided that I need some wool socks and rubber boots.  Most of these houses are from the 1800's.  A lot of them were abandoned in the early 1900's, furniture, wallpaper, stuff-in-cupboard: all in-tact (pretty cool, a little creepy).  I also got to taste cod tongues, which is exactly what it sounds like.  All-in-all a very Newfoundland (which I was taught to pronounce with this little rhyme: underSTAND it's newfoundLAND) sort of day.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Minneapolis Movies

Two movies and three stories from Minneapolis, MN:

2 stories in one movie: "It's Always About Weather in Minnesota" narrated by Quish Turner and "No Stuck You Can't Get Unstuck With a Shovel" narrated by Shana Dooley 

"Once You Get Hit In The Face With a Ball You're Over It" narrated by Susan Dooley

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Drunk Woman Who Knocked the Sign In: A Bonanza Story

So,  I am going to Newfoundland as a Fulbright Student.  There's this awesome folklore library at Memorial University in St. John's where they have been collecting folklore and family stories since the 70's from people on the island.  My plan is to write a novel set in the area that incorporates this folklore. 

As part of this project (and because I am trying to learn iMovie) I decided to collect some regional and family stories on my way to Newfoundland (sometimes partial stories, anecdotes, jokes with no punchline).  My process goes like this: I wait until everyone has had a glass of wine or two, then I bust out my camera, turn it on, and ask annoying questions. Because I am a guest, people are usual polite.

This first movie is about Bonanza, Colorado where my friends are building a house.  As the movie explains, the population is 14. I met up with their son (and my former roommate), Noah, in Minneapolis where he is going to college and he told me this story:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My dog, Moya, and I were separated for three days in Ottawa. I had to go and get oriented with the other Fulbrighters in Canada, and Moya had to go to a kennel (because she can't participate in conversation or fill out forms). It was a whirlwind of activity, and I can't really say what either of us did, but when I picked her up we were both exhausted and hoarse. We are currently in New Brunswick at a cottage by a river while we wait for Friday when the last ferry will cross from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Midwest

I'm planning to post some exciting videos of things I've seen while driving like mountains, cows, bugs biting it on my windshield, cows and mountains as seen through the entrails of bug-matter on my windshield, etc. etc.  I am leaving Minneapolis today and heading to Wisconsin.  Then on to Chicago for the weekend.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Part 1: The Road Trip.

4987 miles with a heavily medicated dog, lots of stops and hours of audio books.  It all ends with a 15 hour ferry ride and final arrival in St. John's, Newfoundland on September 24. I'm taking off early Wednesday morning, August 31. I will try to post pictures of road signs, truck stop slogans and billboard messages from god that I find along the way.  Stay tuned.