Sunday, November 6, 2011

Heritage Houses in Carbonear, Newfoundland

I took a field trip the Vernacular Architecture class to check out some really cool heritage houses in Harbour Grace and Carbonear (which is  north and west).  The day started cool, then got rainy, then got cold, then got snowy, then got sunny and ended in hail.  I decided that I need some wool socks and rubber boots.  Most of these houses are from the 1800's.  A lot of them were abandoned in the early 1900's, furniture, wallpaper, stuff-in-cupboard: all in-tact (pretty cool, a little creepy).  I also got to taste cod tongues, which is exactly what it sounds like.  All-in-all a very Newfoundland (which I was taught to pronounce with this little rhyme: underSTAND it's newfoundLAND) sort of day.

1 comment:

  1. Next thing you know, you'll be buying a house there and a brassiere.
