Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pictures of St. John's


  1. Thanks!

    Do you have Netflix up there? Ha!

  2. Also, is that one photo a window view from where you are staying?

  3. It's so beautiful! It actually looks like a city, too. I was picturing a much more rural area. Is it hard for Moya not to just jump into the Bay?

  4. The view from the window is from the lookout tower on Signal Hill. I can't actually SEE the ocean from my Apartment, but Moya and I have walked to it nearly every day. She hasn't jumped in yet. I don't think that she knows what to make of things like boats. She's also had first experiences with ducks, geese and squirrels (she encountered the latter for the first time in Minneapolis). I think that she thinks they're just oddly shaped dogs who may want to play.
