Sunday, August 28, 2011

Part 1: The Road Trip.

4987 miles with a heavily medicated dog, lots of stops and hours of audio books.  It all ends with a 15 hour ferry ride and final arrival in St. John's, Newfoundland on September 24. I'm taking off early Wednesday morning, August 31. I will try to post pictures of road signs, truck stop slogans and billboard messages from god that I find along the way.  Stay tuned.


  1. Do let us know what god says. We've been hearing a bunch of lies. And we all know you're just practicing aloofness for your future rock star status.

    Sent you contact info for a friend in Canada, someone who used to live in NM, and is now an anthropology prof up there. Please READ IT.

  2. Hi Dana! this is great, can't wait to see the road signs etc.

  3. How exciting--have an amazing trip! And don't sleep in the car at rest stops--I saw a French movie where the people did that with terrible consequences.

  4. Wow, sounds like quite the car ride, I hope you don't go crazy with all the driving!! Hope all is going well!
