Monday, May 21, 2012

Journey to the Center of the Earth

So, there was some informational sign about plate tectonics and stuff that I sort of read . . .

Here's the basics: In Gros Morne National Park there is a place where the Mantle of the earth is exposed. So, if you remember your third grade science, the earth is made up of layers: we live on the crust, below us is the mantle, under that is middle earth (where hobbits and trolls live) and under that is the core. If you dig all the way through, you get to China. Look it up. I used to be a teacher.

When the earth was still one super-continent, the plates parted and then slid over each other, pushing up the mantle onto the sea bed. Years later when the plates separated into different continents the mantle was revealed, looking something like ocher. It is apparently toxic to vegetation (so, if you're a gardener, the mantle is a bad place to buy real estate).


  1. It looks like a bunch of really nice rocks. I thought it would be like looking into the middle of a jelly filled donut. Earth is so disappointing!

  2. There were no remains of weird lava people or anything. Totally disappointing. Cool rocks though

  3. Nice glacial valley. we have our own southern new mexico mantle source at Kilbourne hole. are you coming back soon or have you gone native, eh?
