Friday, May 11, 2012

How to Get to the Bell Island Secret Beach

Go to Bell Island. You can get there by ferry, or you can swim. Swimming is not advised.
When you get there, drive around and look at the sights. Like this cool old farm, or . . .
This lighthouse, or . . .
random icebergs.
Drive around until in the distance you see . . .
whatever the hell this is.
And these cliffs. Scale the cliffs onto . . .
This beach where you will find . . .

this old mine cave. Go through the cave. You will exit on . . .

This awesome beach!

Where it's way to frigid to swim, and there is not sand for castles.
So, instead build Labradorian stone structures.

On your way out, it goes without saying that you should stop at Dick's for fish and chips.

And admire the children's art work on the walls. "I loves me Dick's!"

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